Dr Tamás Görbe — Curriculum Vitae

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Contact details

Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen, PO Box 407, 9700 AK Groningen, The Netherlands


10/2021 - Assistant ProfessorBernoulli Institute,
University of Groningen
09/2020 - 08/2021Academic Development Fellow$\left.\begin{matrix}\phantom{.}\\\phantom{.}\end{matrix}\right\}$School of Mathematics,
University of Leeds
09/2018 - 08/2020Marie Curie Research Fellow
01/2018 - 08/2018Assistant Professor$\left.\begin{matrix}\phantom{.}\\\phantom{.}\\\phantom{.}\end{matrix}\right\}$Department of Theoretical Physics,
University of Szeged
07/2017 - 12/2017Research Fellow
09/2016 - 06/2017Predoctoral Research Fellow


2013-2016PhD in Mathematical Physics, University of Szeged
Thesis: Integrable many-body systems of Calogero-Ruijsenaars type
Doctoral advisor: László Fehér
2011-2013MSc in Applied Mathematics, University of Szeged
Thesis: Group-theoretic treatment of integrable systems
2007-2010BSc in Mathematics, University of Szeged
Thesis: Lie groups and related algebraic structures

Research Interests

Mathematical Physics; Integrable Systems — List of Publications

Research Grants

Comenius Teaching Fellowship (NRO) Grant no. 40.5.24865.222
Personalized learning via interactive knowledge clips
Type: Research Grant | Role: PI | PI: Tamás Görbe
Value: € 50,000
Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) Grant no. K-134946
Applications of Integrable Quantum Field Theories
Type: Research Grant | Role: Co-I | PI: Zoltán Bajnok
Value: HUF 45,782,000 (≈ € 130,224)
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (MSCA-IF) Project acronym: INTSYS
Algebraic, Geometric, and Field-theoretic Aspects of Integrable Many-Body Systems
Type: Fellowship | Role: PI | PI: Tamás Görbe
Value: € 195,454.80
New National Excellence Programme (ÚNKP) Grant no. ÚNKP-16-3
Geometric and Field-Theoretic Aspects of Integrable Systems
Type: Fellowship | Role: PI | PI: Tamás Görbe
Value: HUF 3,500,000 (≈ € 10,000)
Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) Grant no. K-111697
Group-Theoretic Aspects of Integrable Systems and Their Dualities
Type: Research Grant | Role: Co-I | PI: László Fehér
Value: HUF 6,670,000 (≈ € 19,000)
National Excellence Programme (NKP) Grant no. A2-ELMH-12-0027
The Trigonometric BC$_n$ Sutherland System and Its Action-Angle Dual
Type: Fellowship | Role: PI | PI: Tamás Görbe
Value: HUF 1,000,000 (≈ € 2,850)
Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) Grant no. K-111697
Integrable Many-Body and Field-Theoretic Models
Type: Research Grant | Role: Student Participant | PI: László Fehér
Value: HUF 14,656,000 (≈ € 41,750)

Scientific Societies

Acted as Referee/Reviewer for

Teaching Experience

Teaching duties in the academic year 2024/2025

Undergraduate Level (BSc)

Advanced Level (MSc)

Doctoral Level (PhD)



Awards & Fellowships

2024Teacher of the Year, (Applied) Physics, University of Groningen
2023Teacher of the Year, (Applied) Physics, University of Groningen
2023Best Practice in Teaching & Learning Award, 2nd prize, University of Groningen
2019MSCA Fellow of the Week, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
2019Brain Star Series, European Researchers' Night, Hungary
201930 under 30 / Science, Forbes magazine, Hungary
2018Pro Laudanda Promotione Award, PhD research of outstanding quality, University of Szeged, Hungary
2017Gyula Farkas Memorial Award, János Bolyai Mathematical Society, Hungary
201750 Talented Young Hungarians, La femme magazine, Hungary
2016Junior Templeton Fellowship, Hungarian Templeton Program, Hungary
2016List of Excellence — Silver degree among PhD students, University of Szeged
20153rd prize, Scientific Competition, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2015List of Excellence — Bronze degree among PhD students, University of Szeged
2013Excellent Student of Faculty, Faculty of Science and Informatics, University of Szeged
2013Special Award, XXXI. National Scientific Students' Associations Conference, Budapest, Hungary
20121st prize, Scientific Students' Associations Conference, Szeged, Hungary